We release our first Cinema 4D Plugin “Instance Renamer”- its free!

Instance Renamer (v 1.0)


Instance Renamer is a CommandData Plugin that selects, renames and numbers instance objects after their reference. Some examples and images below!


Select one or more objects which are referenced by instance objects and execute Instance Renamer.
All referencing instance objects will be numbered and named after their respective reference object.
Hint: Hold [SHIFT] to have the instance objects added to the selection afterwards.


Just copy the ‘instancerenamer’ folder to the CINEMA 4D installation’s ‘\Plugins’ directory or place it in the User Folder plugin directory.


Windows / PC: CINEMA 4D R12-R17 (32/64bit)
OSX / MAC: CINEMA 4D R13-R17 (32/64bit)


Use at your own risk. This software is provided as-is. No warranty at all. :)




How to use

1. Select referenced object

2. Execute Instance Renamer – look for the rendertaxi logo under PLUGINS

3. all instances are named after their reference and numbered

4. re-naming the reference and execute the plugin again

5. all instances are named after their reference and numbered

6. example of imported rhino file with predefined block definitions from rhino

7. all instances have the same name – very inconvenient

8. select all Block Definitions (References) together

9. execute instance renamer and all instances have unique names after their reference

10. now you can easily select by name and group individually